
Sept. 2024 - ERC Starting Grant

Our team was awarded 1.5 million through the European Research Council (ERC) Starting Grant to work for the next 5 years towards understanding how neuromodulator combinations define our internal states.

See more info here.

June 2024 - Lab posters at FENS

A full house at our first poster presentations as a team at the FENS Forum 2024.
An amazing experience for our budding scientists! ✨

June 2024 - PhD fellowship 🥳

After a thorough selection process, Eleni Moysiadou received the prestigious C-BRAINS fellowship to continue her work in our team towards a PhD title.

June 2024 - First M.Sc. thesis 🥳

Loussineh Keshishian successfully completed her M.Sc. thesis internship in the lab and submitted her thesis with the title: "Noradrenergic neuromodulation of neuronal dynamics and behavior".

January 2024 - Lab opening!

Our lab is opening its doors in January 2024!
Get in touch if you would like to join us!

Sept. 2023 - BBRF grant

Our team is awarded a NARSAD Grant for 2 years by the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation, to study the network effects of psychedelics and their mechanisms of their therapeutic action for depression.

June 2023 - Joining Inserm

Nikolas is appointed as an Inserm "Chargé de recherche" tenured researcher.

June 2023 - ATIP-Avenir grant

We have received funding from the prestigious ATIP-Avenir program, organized jointly by CNRS and Inserm.

2023 - Joining the Paris Brain Institute

Following a long evaluation process from the international scientific evaluation board of the Paris Brain Institute, it has been decided that Nikolas will join the institute as a new team leader.
We have received generous funding from the institute to establish the new team and we look forward to setting up the team in the coming year.

Nov 2022 - SNSF Ambizione

We have received funding from the prestigious Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF) Ambizione program to implement our research program as an independent group at the Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI) in Basel, Switzerland.